
“Circular Economy is a regenerative and restorative economic model
in which its resources (materials, components, products, services) are
managed to preserve their value and usefulness for as long as possible.”

in Eco.nomia (Portuguese Ministry of the Environment and Energy Transition)

In the European context, the transition process to the circular economy has been a priority since December 2015. On that date, the European Commission adopted the action plan for the circular economy, which set out the purpose, obstacles and ambitions of the transition process that was intended to be triggered. Circular economy was arguedf to be a way of strengthening Europe’s global competitiveness and promoting sustainable economic growth based on job creation. Later on, at the national level, in December 2017, we witnessed the approval of the Circular Economy Action Plan (PAEC) and the formalisation of Portugal’s commitment to adopt the strategic approach of the circular economy. This commitment guaranteed the conditions for the development of regional transition agendas for the circular economy, adapted to the socio-economic character of each region.

More recently, we have been witnessing the development of the Regional Circular Economy Agendas, including CCDR Centro. With this cumulative and gradual process, as well as ensuring the diffusion and coherent development of policies at the different levels of action (European, national and regional), we have fulfilled the goal of proximity to the territories, which is central to the circular economy.

Thus, this portal aims at becoming a point of dissemination of the main initiatives and the development of the Centro’s Circular Economy Agenda.